Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), Call 2023

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The purpose of this call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The challenges are grouped into three themes called ‘Transition Pathways: Positive Energy Districts, the 15-minute City and Circular Urban Economies. It is the second call of the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) which is co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe.


  • Applicants are defined as organisations/institutions/companies (i.e. legal entities) that apply for funding. Applicants can be: research organisations (higher education institutions including universities, university colleges; research institutes or other entities with research undertakings), companies and commercial organisations, urban government authorities (such as regional and local government institutions, municipalities and municipal organisations, city authorities, urban public administrations, and infrastructure and service providers), consumers and civil society representatives (e.g. local and community organisations, non-governmental organisations, not-for-profit organisations, citizens’ representatives, etc.).From the culture and creative sectors (e.g. artists and designers). 
  • Countries participating in the call:  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada / Quebec, Cyprus, Czech Rep., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Korea, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands , Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye.
  • Each proposal must be submitted by a consortium consisting of at least three eligible Applicants from at least three different participating countries, at least two of the eligible Applicants must be from different EU Member States or Associated Countries eligible for EC co-funding in this Call.
  • Consortia must include at least one urban government authority (city, municipality or entity providing key urban services) either as a Main Applicant, Co-applicant, or Co-operation Partner depending on the national/regional eligibility criteria.

Key dates

  • Info day – project pitches (online) - 10 October 2023;
  • Stage 1 closing (pre-proposal submission deadline) - 21 November 2023, 13:00 CET;
  • Eligibility check - December 2023;
  • Meeting of Expert Panel to assess pre-proposals - February 2024;
  • Stage 2 opening (invite applicants to submit full proposals) - March 2024;
  • Stage 2 closing (deadline submission of full proposals) - 30 April 2024, 13:00 CET;
  • Eligibility check - May 2024;
  • Meeting of Expert Panel to assess full proposals - June 2024;
  • Funding decisions announced - July 2024;
  • Start of the projects - September 2024 – January 2025;
  • Maximum project duration: 36 months.


The total available budget for this Call is approximately EUR 80 M, including support from the European Commission (EC) through Horizon Europe (co-funded action DUT – Grant Agreement number 101069506).

There are no fixed minimum or maximum limits for a project size. Medium sized projects with a total budget request from all involved Funding Agencies in the range of EUR 1-2 M are typically expected, though total project costs can be lower or higher.

Consortia are expected to be balanced between countries both in terms of number of partners and distribution of budget and no individual Applicant or Cooperation Partner may represent more than 50% of the workload calculated in terms of person-months.


Further information related to the call could be found here.