Online Colloquium on Skills & AI:

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Time 15:00 - 16:00 CEST icon
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Dear community on AI&Skills,


It is my pleasure to invite you to the next online colloquium on AI&Skills. Please join us for an informal but informed conversation on AI guidelines for research(ers).

You can join the  meeting via zoom:


This colloquium we will share and discuss with you:

 Research results on AI literacy (Simona Gioia)

  • AI tool created by students in Luiss + AI handbook for researchers in Luiss (Simona Gioia)
  • Guidelines on AI for (PhD) research in Hanken (Anu Helkkula)
  • A conversation on guidelines in your own university, and what we can learn from each other
  • Proposal to create a working group/exchange group about this topic of AI guidelines for researchers (Anu Helkkula)

This community colloquium is also a place to share opportunities for research collaboration, events and grants. 

Do feel free to extend this invitation to interested colleagues. I am looking forward to seeing you all again!