Research Integrity

Date icon
Time 09:30 - 13:00 CET09:30 - 13:00 CET icon
Language English icon
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This course enhances your understanding of research integrity through comprehensive insights into the principles of good scientific practice and international guidelines

In this course, we will address common challenges such as misconduct, data management, and copyright issues related to modern tools like ChatGPT. 

Our interactive format includes intensive sessions, case studies, and group discussions, allowing you to share experiences and network with fellow researchers. “Get your PhD, keep your PhD” - this course equips you with essential skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of academic research successfully and aids you with questions or conflicts in the research context.


  • Introduction and definitions
  • Principles of good scientific practice incl. (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice and research integrity
  • Potential problem and conflict areas in the research process
  • Misconduct cases in science Scientific data collection and documentation
  • Research data management
  • Copyright, ChatGPT and plagiarism
  • Publications, collaborations and authorship Supervision and organizational culture
  • If needed:
    • Authorization or permission relevant research
    • Research on animals
    • Research with and on humans
    • Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues of personal data in research


Date and time
6 and 7 March from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (incl. breaks)

Online via Zoom, link will be provided

Please connect with a working audio and video device and expect to actively participate in the workshop with your camera on.

Target group
Early career researchers from the ENGAGE.EU partner universities

Language of instruction

Dr. Jana Emontz, Heine Center for Academic Further Education

Maximum number of participants

Please register until 19 February 2025 by writing to with your university e-mail address. Please note that we can only consider registrations sent from your university e-mail account to ensure affiliation with an ENGAGE.EU partner university. If there are more registrations than available places, the participants will be drawn by lot and informed by 20 February. Please find information on the processing of your personal data in our information on data protection.

This workshop in collaboration with ENGAGE.EU and the Postdoc Career Academy at the University of Mannheim is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.