Workshop on Sustainable Work

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The workshop on Sustainable Work will be held at TSM Research, Université Toulouse Capitole, in Toulouse, France, from June 16 to June 17, 2025. We cordially invite researchers and PhD students to submit abstracts and papers to be presented at the workshop.

The aim of the workshop is to build a multidisciplinary (e.g., management, social psychology, occupational psychology, ergonomics, occupational health) network of French and international researchers to enhance the global understanding of challenges related to sustainable work by integrating diverse theoretical and methodological

Sustainable work issues are particularly crucial in an era marked by the development of new forms of organizations and businesses (platforms, cooperatives, liberated companies...), new modes of work organization (remote, hybrid), new management practices (algorithmic management...), as well as the emergence of new tools driven by the rise of AI.


All submissions, and any other enquiries, should be done via mail by 11 Feb to Caroline Manville ( and Véronique Robert ( There is no fee for attending and/or presenting at the workshop.