Amin Maghsoudi

Hanken School of Economics


Artificial intelligence
Operations Management
Supply chain management
Methodological expertise
Artificial intelligence
Field experiments
Grounded theory
Mixed methods
Participant observation
Qualitative methods
Quantitative methods
Surveys and questionnaires
Theoretical modelling
Teaching experience
Bachelors level
Masters level
PhD level

Amin Maghsoudi is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute (HUMLOG Institute), Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. His previous appointment includes the School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, where he held a post as a project researcher. 

Amin’s doctoral research at Universiti Sains Malaysia investigated inter-organizational coordination among the network of actors in humanitarian supply chains. His research interests include humanitarian logistics and disaster relief supply chains, supply chain risk and resilience, digital supply chains, and cash and voucher assistance in complex emergencies and refugee crises. 

Amin's research outputs are published in high-quality peer-reviewed journals such as International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 

Amin is also supervising Master's students and PhD candidates. 


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