ChatGPT for FAIR Research Data

Date icon
Time 14:00 - 15:00 CET icon
Online (Zoom)
Language English icon
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ChatGPT for FAIR Research Data

In this session, attendees will learn to utilize both the free and premium versions of ChatGPT to enhance the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) of research data.

We will explore the advanced features of ChatGPT+, including an introduction to 'FAIR GPT', a specialized virtual consultant designed to aid in FAIR-compliant data management, available within ChatGPT+.

This presentation aims to deliver practical insights for researchers, data infrastructure specialists, and data enthusiasts on leveraging AI tools to achieve FAIR-compliant research data management.

Speaker: Dr. Renat Shigapov

Organiser: Research Data Center, University of Mannheim