
Université Toulouse Capitole


Artificial intelligence
Methodological expertise
Artificial intelligence
Qualitative methods
Quantitative methods
Teaching experience
Masters level
PhD level

Pascale Zaraté is a professor at Toulouse Capitole University. She conducts her research at the IRIT Laboratory, Artificial Intelligence department, for which she is chairperson. She holds a PhD. in Computer Science / Decision-making / Decision Support at LAMSADE laboratory at University Paris Dauphine (PSL), Paris (1991). Pascale Zaraté’s current research interests include: decision support systems, cooperative decision-making, recommender systems. She was chairing the European Working Group on DSS (EWG-DSS)  from 2000 to 2020.
She is currently Vice-President of the INFORMS-Group decision and Negotiation section.

She was awardee of the INFORMS Group Decision and Negotiation section in 2018.

She has published several studies and works: three books, edited nine books, edited 18 special issues in several international journals, 11 proceedings of international conferences, 50 articles in several international journals, thirteen chapters in collective works. She is a member of the scientific editorial board of six international journals. 

She chaired the IFIP TC8/WG8.3 conference on collaborative decision-making in 2008 and the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference in 2014, the International Conference on DSS Technologies in 2020.


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