Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe. S. Krupnik et al. (2022)

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This article proposes a set of 100 priority questions for future research within social science and humanities (SSH) scholarship on renewable energy sources. These questions were aggregated into four main directions: (i) deep transformations and connections to the broader economic system (i.e. radical ways of (re) arranging socio-technical, political and economic relations), (ii) cultural and geographical diversity (i.e. contextual cultural, historical, political and socio-economic factors influencing citizen support for energy transitions), (iii) complexifying energy governance (i.e. understanding energy systems from a systems dynamics perspective) and (iv) shifting from instrumental acceptance to value-based objectives (i.e. public support for energy transitions as a normative notion linked to trust-building and citizen engagement).


You can find the 100 research questions in this document. And the article describing the methodology, data analysis and conceptual framework here. The work is executed for a Horizon 2020 project, and therefore focused on the geographical scope and governance structures in Europe. It helps to address the challenges that the European Union will be facing when advancing to carbon-neutrality in 2050. The article also stresses the importance of multi-disciplinary research as well as systemic and holistic approaches when it comes to methodology.


What do you think about these proposals for future research questions? Are you planning to work on one of them? Let us know in the comments!