Rianne Strijker

Tilburg University

Community manager

Methodological expertise
Mixed methods
Network analysis
Participant observation
Qualitative methods
Surveys and questionnaires
Textual analysis

As community manager research for ENGAGE.EU I am fully dedicated to help you onboard and use this platform. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, I am happy to help :). I am also (co-)organizing events, conferences and seminars, and hosting community workshops during those events. 

I did a bachelor's in Organization Studies, with a master in Social Research which specialized in organizational ethnography. I conducted my master's thesis in Tanzania on a study on partnerships for sustainable development. Afterwards I worked at Erasmus University as a project officer on the same partnerships for sustainable development. In my free time, I love travelling, being outdoors with my kids and swimming. I'd be happy to meet you somewhere in Europe :)


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By Rianne Strijker icon

Open to complexity: Collaborating for open science

Open science practices are encouraged in academia today, as well as by the ENGAGE.EU alliance. Research needs to become more ‘open’ for interaction with stakeholders within and outside the protective walls of the university. But it’s not always clears what this means for researchers in the social sciences and humanities. Fortunately, more support is becoming available and more knowledge is shared. From the symposium ‘open to complexity’, I’m sharing some personal insights.

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By Rianne Strijker icon

Science, technology and innovation is not addressing world’s most urgent problems

Global science research serves the needs of the Global North, and is driven by the values and interests of a small number of companies, governments and funding bodies, finds a major new international study published today. As such, the authors find, science, technology and innovation research is not focused on the world’s most pressing problems including taking climate action, addressing complex underlying social issues, tackling hunger and promoting good health and wellbeing.

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