Philip Joos

My research interests extend into the intersection of accounting, finance, and sustainability, particularly in how financial reporting and disclosure impact investment decisions concerning environmental and social governance (ESG) issues. His work often explores how non-financial disclosures, including those related to sustainability practices, can affect investor perception and company valuation.

One area of my research relevant to the theme "sustainable planet" involves the analysis of how companies report their environmental impacts and sustainability practices, and how these reports influence the financial markets. By focusing on the financial implications of sustainability reporting, I  contribute to understanding how financial markets can drive or hinder environmental sustainability. This research helps in deciphering whether current (financial) reporting standards effectively communicate a firm's impact on sustainability, which is crucial for stakeholders making decisions aimed at supporting a sustainable planet.

Such research is vital as it supports the development of policies and practices that enhance transparency regarding environmental impacts, thus encouraging more responsible corporate behavior and sustainable investment practices. These contributions align with global efforts towards achieving a more sustainable planet by integrating environmental concerns into the core financial evaluation of companies.
