The Sustainable business theme encompasses studies that investigate how existing firms and industries, as well as new enterprises can contribute to improved social and environmental conditions. Stricter government regulation and pressure from stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, activists and local communities, require firms to increasingly focus on their sustainability performance. For new enterprises, sustainability challenges can be a source of opportunities to create positive impact with innovative products and services. For law makers, Corporate Environmental Law, Sustainable Due Diligence and CSRD are interesting topics, as well as questions around ecological damage and environmental responsibilities for existing firms or when companies close.
How businesses can adapt, and how quickly, in such complex multi-stakeholder environments, is a rich source of strategy, entrepreneurship and policy related research questions. This theme also encompasses research questions related to issue of sustainable finance and sustainable accounting, sustainable supply chains and consumer preferences. Studies of changes at the local and system level are needed, as society transitions to a more circular economy and to more climate friendly sources of energy. This theme welcomes an interdisciplinary research approach.
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Collaboration Groups
Think Tank Vienna 2025: organizational purpose
Virtual meeting place and exchange platform for participants and hosts of the 2025 Think Tank on organizational purpose at WU Vienna
AI & Skills Research Community
This is the collaborative space of the research community AI & Skills. You can post documents here, share ideas in the discussion board...
ENGAGE.EU Community for PhD students and early-stage researchers
Would you be interested in receiving updates regarding new events (short research stays), new online courses, or any other documents...
Think Tank Bergen
This group serves as a channel for networking and collaboration among the Think Tank Bergen participants.
Collective intelligence and Codesign
sharing expertise on Collective intelligence, codesign, and all types of collaborative approachs
Sofia Conference for Early-Stage Researchers & Young Scholars
This group is for the participants of the 2nd Early Stage Researchers (ESR) conference in Sofia. Participants can meet each other here...
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Fostering Transparency and Reproducibility in Social Science Research: Addressing Challenges in Management Studies
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icon Teams Webinar hosted by NHH - Norwegian School of Economics
ENGAGE.EU Launches its Research Ethics & RRI Expert Group Webinar Series
ENGAGE.EU is excited to introduce its Research Ethics & Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Expert Group webinar series, des
Polish Your Manuscript for Success: ENGAGE.EU Paper Development Workshop in Management
Are you a PhD researcher striving to publish your research in a leading management journal?
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Many urban areas are facing demographic shifts, such as aging populations and decli
Advancing Sustainable Solutions: Insights from the ENGAGE.EU Think Tank 2024
Exploring Open Science: Overview from ENGAGE.EU Data Management Days
Science communication video lectures
400 members in one year
Happy anniversary!
Dear community,
A reflection and thank you: ENGAGE.EU research communities
Trends in Project Management
Interest in project management since its conception is continuously evolving.
The future of work
Responsible working lives for all ages – who is the aging employee?
We are getting older and healthier, but are the structures that support
The Role of Nonprofits in a Sustainable Economy
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How to ENGAGE in this international research community
ENGAGE.EU PhD Workshop in Toulouse: Expanding Networks, Connecting Disciplines
A new edition of the ENGAGE.EU doctoral workshop was held in Toulouse from 20 to 21 April.
ENGAGE.EU Research Communities Workshop
On the 3rd of March, the team who developed this community platform came together at WU Vienna to brainstorm and strategize for the future.
Report: Workshop on privacy in digital markets at Luiss University