Accounting for sustainability: "Linking alternative economies and sustainable finance with regional development: the examples of France, Germany and Luxembourg"

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Time 09:00 - 10:00 CET icon
Microsoft Teams
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A new seminar series organized by the Department of Accounting and Commercial Law

Sabine Dörry will talk about her new research: "Linking alternative economies and sustainable finance with regional development: the examples of France, Germany and Luxembourg"

Sabine Dörry is a Senior Research Scientist at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). She is currently co-leading the two research projects ‘European Financial Centres in Transition’ (FINCITY) and ‘Regional approaches towards alternative economies and sustainable finance’ (AltFin). Trained as an economic geographer, her work focuses more broadly on dynamics in and between international financial centres. She is associate editor of Competition and Change and has editorial/advisory board roles on the journals of Finance & Space, and Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. She is also an appointed member of Luxembourg’s Climate Policy Observatory (OPC) and the Scientific Advisory Board on climate and environmental practices at Spuerkeess (largest public bank in Luxembourg).