In today's global economy, the challenges reflect the degree of interrelatedness and the complexity that exists . Global trade can suffer or benefits from very local issues on the one hand or national politics and policy on the other. Complex interactions and even unintended outcome can be the result of national and international laws on e.g. taxation, labor and quality standards.
The global economy can also be viewed from the perspective of dynamic labor markets, influencing labor migration, remittances, as well as discussions about fair labor conditions and a living wage. Increasingly, the global economy has many interdependencies and its resilience and stability is of crucial importance to consumers and producers. Moreover, greater mobility, new technologies and the globalization of production is increasing (cultural) diversity in companies, which brings many benefits but is also influenced by national culture and institutional norms.
This research theme therefore demands an interdisciplinary approach, where researchers with different sorts of expertise can help address the current and emerging societal challenges.
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How to ENGAGE in this international research community
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