ENGAGE.EU Summer School in Artificial Intelligence and Societal Challenges

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Summer School on AI: June 17-28, 2024

ENGAGE.EU Summer Schools are intensive summer programs taught by professors and lecturers from ENGAGE.EU universities. In line with the general ENGAGE.EU goals, these programs aim to provide a forum for interdisciplinary academic exchange and learning on current societal challenges. The summer school is targeted towards undergraduate students of ENGAGE.EU universities, you can forward this event to them and/or send in a proposal for teaching at this summer school. 

Topics and Format

This summer school, hosted by Toulouse Capitole University, aims to cover all societal impacts of Artificial Intelligence; 

  • Regulation
  • Security and Privacy
  • Digital Economy
  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Health and well-being
  • Social Development
  • Socially Responsible AI
  • Education

Would you like to collaborate and teach on this summer school? Call for teaching proposals for summer school on AI


Laurent Perrussel (Chair): laurent.perrussel@ut-capitole.fr – Rachel Boss-Benoist (Local Organiser) : internationalisation@ut-capitole.fr