In the fall semesters 2022 and 2023 the Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS), an institute of the University of Mannheim founded in 2020, and the European University ENGAGE.EU jointly offered an online lecture series on the topic of the application of Data Science in various fields. Renowned scientists and scholars from ENGAGE.EU partner universities gave insights into their data-based research. The speakers represented various disciplines, including business administration, computer science, political science, business education, media and communication studies, sociology, psychology and linguistics. Thus, the lecture series represented the relevance of data science in its entire breadth for science and society. They took place every Thursday at noon on Zoom.
For the continuation of the lecture series in the fall semester 2024, MCDS invites all researchers at our ENGAGE.EU-partner universities to participate as lecturers in this ENGAGE.EU Signature Course. We offer four slots for colleagues from the ENGAGE.EU-network. Applicants should hold at least a post-doctoral position and be prepared to give a presentation of approximately one hour in English about their research. After or during the presentation, students should be given the opportunity to ask questions and for discussion.
The course is intended for students at the master's and doctoral levels in all disciplines with an interest and prior knowledge in Data Science.
Please send your application to: Prof. Heiner Stuckenschmidt (datascience@uni-mannheim.de)