Justice and Peace is a broad research theme towards a safer and more equitable society. In line with the goals of SDG16 the thematic focus is to 'promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels'.
This includes, but is not restricted to, research topics such as the root causes of violence towards individuals, vulnerable groups, and between nations. Also, the study of conflict and its resolution, fighting corruption, strengthening accountability, transforming institutions, the protection of human rights, access to justice, and issues related to discrimination and the impact of technology on privacy, information asymmetry.
Many aspects of this theme require an interdisciplinary approach, where researchers with different expertise can help address this societal challenges.
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Collaboration Groups
ENGAGE.EU Community for PhD students and early-stage researchers
Would you be interested in receiving updates regarding new events (short research stays), new online courses, or any other documents...
Comparative legal studies
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COIL & Virtual Exchange - let's share ideas, good practices, and resources!

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PhD research stay
Welcome to the PhD research stay ! This group is dedicated to the organisation of this workshop.
EITM Summer Institute «Democratic Representation and its Challenges»
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icon University of Mannheim
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Exploring Open Science: Overview from ENGAGE.EU Data Management Days
Science communication video lectures
400 members in one year
Happy anniversary!
Dear community,
How to ENGAGE in this international research community
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The EU - your friend or foe?
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