Like it or not, the world works on personal connections. You need to be able to form those connections easily. This workshop will provide you with the tools to effectively make new connections to help you find collaboration partners, information and get jobs. This is not about selling yourself. It is about forming and benefitting from a friendly network.
This workshop will provide you with easy networking techniques and will teach you open, honest and unobtrusive methods to help you make the best use of opportunities like conferences, chance meetings and careers fairs.
This workshop will teach you how to:
- Approach people and start conversations in unobtrusive, non-pushy ways.
- Make a good impression on potential collaboration partners or employers without the hard sell.
- Reliably find an institute/group that is right for you to collaborate with or work in.
- Access the hidden job market of unadvertised positions when job hunting, become the “preferred candidate” or even have positions created specifically for you.
- Gather the information needed to aid your search and any negotiations (including conditions, authorship and salary).
- Give yourself the edge over others who use the more usual methods of contacting people.
The confidence to make progress
Knowing how to network alone is not enough. You need to have the confidence to actually do it. Because of this, the workshop will include a module on how to change your self-confidence. Not manage your low self-confidence but actually change your feeling of self-confidence. You will find the approach eye opening.
By establishing a useful and productive network you will be able to remain updated about new scientific developments, collaboration opportunities and new jobs as they arise. This will allow you the best choice of opportunities because you will know about them first.
The workshop will be very interactive. Expect to be challenged, expect to be asked questions, expect to participate!
Date and Time
27 May and 28 May 2024, each from 9:00 to 14:00 CEST
online via Zoom
Target Group
postdocs and junior professors from the ENGAGE.EU partner universities
Rob Thompson, RTTA. Rob is a TEDx and keynote speaker who speaks at conferences all over Europe. Before forming RTTA, Rob worked managing projects in both retail and banking/insurance in London. He has been working with researchers for over 15 years now – helping them form connections to get collaborations, new jobs and to advance their careers.
Maximum Number of Participants
15 persons
Please register until 14 May 2024 by writing to with your university email address. Please note that we can only consider registrations send from university email accounts to ensure affiliation with an ENGAGE.EU partner university. If there will be more registrations than places available, the participants will be drawn by lot and informed by 15 May. Please find information on processing personal data in this context in our information on data protection.
This ENGAGE.EU workshop is funded by DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service.